Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Dressing Room Reveal

I promised. You asked. I am delivering. So as I mentioned yesterday we have some how, some way, taken it upon ourselves to not only design, but also implement our very own dressing room. I have come to realize something. I am probably the worst blogger in the world as I did not take before pictures. Trust me on this, the room was lame with a capital "L". I am talking lime green walls and nothing else. Nothing. Awhile back, the boy had mentioned that he envisioned this room being our "dressing room" and I agreed with him. Never did I imagine what he was imagining. I was thinking a few make shift rolling racks and maybe a dresser. Thank God he was on his A game. We went to Home Depot and casually entered the storage and organization area. He started barking off dimensions for the shelving units as I sat there puzzled. He then explained in detail his vision of the space. After I came to realize the kind of scale we were talking here, I ran with the idea. Of course at that stage, it became "my" idea. Of course. I knew I wanted it to resemble a boutique, and a boutique it resembles. You be the judge.

Disclaimer. I don't know why I insist on disclosing this on all posts with my photography, but you must be aware. I am a horrific photographer. Don't worry. I already know this. Bear with me. 

Sooooo. What do you all think? Isn't he a genius?!?! If you all are curious what was used, email me and I will let you in on ALL of our secrets. This really is an achievable project for anyone. As we talked about yesterday, let your clothes do the accessorizing and decorating. I am a huge fan of color coding everything. Not only for organization purposes but also for aesthetic purposes. How gorgy does it look?!!? I am a happy girl. Project #1 out of #385 is complete. 


  1. this is fantastic and feminine in every way!! not to mention, i love how cheery your colorful wardrobe is! (oh and i noticed your skirts inching over into your mister's space...well done! ; ))

    1. You like that?? That's how I roll. He allows it. Deer head is from Marshall's. Isn't that nutso???

  2. p.s. where is the deer head from?? i NEED.

    1. Anyone know where the deer head is from? Love it!

    2. It is from Marshall's! Can you believe it??

  3. FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC!!! I just love love love it. So much fun to get dressed now I bet!

  4. OK - seriously. TDF. Love this. And you know what I love almost equally as much? THe vibrants on your side of the closet. AMAZING. I kind of knew you had it in you, from reading your bouncy fun posts, but am so glad to see you have so much color, and vibrant color at that, in your closet.

    First Question - what 50 shades of grey is that on the closet wall? looks subtle and i love it!!!

  5. Oh my! He nailed it for sure! How freaking fun! I want to come play dress up!!

  6. love that your bling is at the ready for you to wear and even enjoy as beautiful art!



  7. It looks amazing!!!!!! A little teensy bit jealous!

  8. OH my gosh! This is AMAZING! SO jealous!

  9. This is my idea of heaven. I cannot imagine having a walk in closet, much less a closet with an island in the middle. Holy moly.

  10. Great dressing closet! I love it when you can have a table in your closet! Great job!

  11. JEALOUS!! That looks amazing and has to make getting dressed in the morning about 100x more fun!!

  12. You are NOT a horrible photog. The room is just amazing. Enjoy it!

    xoxo, Emily

  13. I love it, it looks amazing! And your pictures are great!

  14. I am dying, it looks perfect. I want to come shop in your closet I see lots of pretties hanging up. I too am a hot mess with a camera, but I am good at other things like shopping and drinking wine.

  15. You must have been reading my mind this am. This is so totally what I was thinking about. I shared this link on my blog. Thank you!!!!!

  16. Looks great! I wish I had a beautiful space like this… I'm so inspired :)

  17. What a rockin closet-can you come and do that to mine? I cannot even walk into mine some days!!! Love it!

  18. I like! Can I have your closet?

  19. Love this! The island in the middle is perfect. Can't wait to have a space like that of my own (or maybe to share... hopefully?).

    Cheers, Elizabeth

  20. I would love for that to be mine! Great job!!

  21. This closet is just beyond. You and your man did a great job- and may I compliment you on your choosing of partners?! I love that he envisioned a dressing room as well. I just love the table in the middle with all the jewels. And I agree- color coding in my closet is more for the aesthetic result rather than the organization. LOL! Great job love.

  22. Wow!!!!! Just fabulous, a girls dream...a girly girl that is:) WELL DONE~

  23. Looks Fabulous! You've motivated me.

  24. My partner and I are currently eyeing off the space meant to be our new living room, and wondering if it would be better as a dressing room. We must be crazy even considering it, but we do both like our clothes. Your room makes the idea very tempting! xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  25. First time commenter here, what an awesome dressing room! And quite a catch you've got in that man of yours :)

  26. This is genius...your boy must be a catch!!! This looks like a boutique FOR SURE. So many ideas I have now!!! xoxo

  27. Ooo, fancy! Lucky you! Even luckier that it was his idea to begin with so you didn't have to persuade him! This is great! Big time stuff!



  28. Amazing! I am incredibly jealous! My husband would never allow a bedroom to transform into a closet instead of a man cave!

  29. This is awesome. Congrats on the room (and new house).

  30. your guy is the one who suggested this?! you've got a keeper haha! love the boutique feel- and that table is absolutely gorgeous

  31. Love it! It really does look like a high end boutique. Can I come get dressed at your house? ;)

  32. You have a TABLE and JEWELRY trays and a DEER HEAD. I'm so jealous!

  33. LOVE! Where is the table from? What are your suggestions for a good height? Again, I am in love!!!!

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