Thursday, May 24, 2012

My newest sponsor: Second Street East

So I love all of my sponsors and they wouldn't be my sponsors if I didn't. I believe in only representing products that I both love and would use myself. My newest sponsor is the loveliest Michelle from Second Street East. She makes the most awesome and unique pillows and textiles. I have styled her current pieces in two different looks so you can get the idea of just how amazing she is. Both totally different looks. Both fabulous. 

Michelle also has a blog that is a daily read for me. She has such a fun take on all things fashion and design. AND. Big and, Michelle lives in my city of origin, the big KC. She is a doll. Check her out!


  1. Hi! Delighted to discover your blog and Second Street East — thanks and I'll be back!

  2. I'm thrilled to know about her store! I'm going to favorite it right now!

  3. I love Michelle and her blog, and when she came out with her store, I loved it too! She has the prettiest textiles. So glad to see she is a sponsor!! XOXO, Sam

  4. Oooh this stuff is amazing! Can't believe I haven't come across her store yet!

    Champange Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  5. Michelle is fantastic as is her blog and pillows!! The pillows are so very cool! I love the colors and how original they are!

  6. Love SSE! So cute with all her outfits, and pretty awesome design too!


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