So, show of hands. Who used to think Kate Moss was a complete degenerate junkie? Hot. Mess. I mean, I grew up of the same opinion. I never quite understood why anyone ever thought she was glamorous when I always thought she looked one high away from rehab. And hygiene? Forget it. I am talking hypodermic needles and baths once a month when she could fit it in between benders. Gurrrrossss. Could I be more specific? Well, I am here to tell you that I have completely changed my judgmental opinion of the once named "Tank."
As I have gotten older I can appreciate the solemness of all of her work. She is deep, pensive and most of all, thin. I am talking rail thin. As they say, can never be too thin. She is such a unique beauty and once she started getting her shiz together, I have now decided her work is showcase worthy in my home. I am on a serious hunt for her most glamorous and somber representation. Preferably one of her smoking, because like it or not smoking is enchanting (even though I never do). Get down with your bad self, KM. Check out some of her best.