My beautiful dollfaces! Are we chomping at the bit for the weekend? As am I. I wish I could say relaxation was on our horizon but I cannot. I am finishing up a few design projects, preparing for a magazine shoot I am styling, infusing some vodka (more to come on that) and (the big AND) we are actually wallpapering this weekend. I know what you all are thinking, "you said that last week, you liar." No but seriously loves, it is happening this weekend. We have fabulous company that will be arriving next week and we have put this at the tip top of the to do list. I cannot have them walking in and thinking they are in the Olive Garden with these faux Tuscan walls. We have already discussed this. So it has been a long week and I have tons of photos to dump on you from my phone that obviously illustrate my week and what rocked it.
Tied for first as the biggest highlight of my week? Scoring this Stray Dog Artichoke Lamp at the Shades of Light Outlet. I went into the outlet making a mental note that I refused to spend more than $60 on a lamp and as soon this puppy and I met eyes, my commitment was out the window. I have to tell you, I got a gangbusters deal on this lamp and I almost felt as if I was looting. Shades of Light what you do to me. I tell ya.
So I say this is tied for first as a highlight of my week, but I lied. This is the biggest highlight, BY FAR. The boy knew I had my eyes on this Tory Burch bag that is sold out over the world wide web. He went to Saks and had them find me one in another city and ordered it. It arrived on Wednesday. Luckiest girl ever. Do we adore this bag or what?
I painted this ikat pumpkin last weekend. On our porch it sits. Anyone else preparing for Halloween? We have decided the girls will be dressing up this year and even though I am not a huge Star Wars fan, I am kind of thinking Princess Leia and Yoda might be the winners for our girls. Stay tuned.
Spoonflower has outdone themselves and has now come out with wallpaper. This wallpaper just so happens to be the type that is easy to remove and perfect for renters. Hint. Hint. Hint. That is right folks. What will they think of next? If they start offering their designs in toilet paper, I am throwing in the towel. Here are some of my favorites.
You won't believe this, actually you will. That Lindsay Cowles is at it again. She has now jumped on the wallpaper bandwagon as well. If you didn't already love her art enough, she is offering her art on a large wall scale installation. A couple of my faves.
An amazing DIY I just HAVE to share with you all that I came across this week. First though, let us please address this amazing headboard seen here. Have we acknowledged, adored and committed to memory? Exactly. This brave blogger made the ultimate and most coveted blanket in blogland, the Moroccan Wedding Blanket. Herself. Herself. Honestly. Might attempt this. I might add a bit more bling to mine as I am quite flashy. We shall see.
Moroccan Wedding Blanket DIY
You can catch me over at Furnishly's Blog this week. I selected key listed pieces throughout the country that can give your home a collected and eclectic feel! So excited to be partnered up with such an amazing company and service.
So that is about all with me. How about you all? What rocked your socks off this week? What is up this weekend? Spill. Loves!