I have to say, for the past few days I have been the walking dead. Truthfully. I had the stomach flu and it was absolute misery. Between battling that for days and working to solve world hunger, I have been a busy lady. Naturally. To celebrate me beating death, I am totally into sharing classy, fresh, clean and preppy spaces today. There are so many elements that can be incorporated into making a space "preppy". Classic fabric patterns (seersucker, plaids, stripes), regal touches, a handsome color palette and the perfect (equestrian or nautical) accessories. Let's put a little prep, in your (and my) step.
This closet is classic to the core. The chrome hanging pendant is almost more than my weak body can take at this point. It is obviously the focal point of the space, and the eye is immediately drawn to it. You all know I cannot resist a blackcented room. Notice all of the preppy themes happening here. We have some nautical memorabilia affixed on the wall, as well as, an equestrian piece holding down focal cabinet unit. The simple color scheme, regal touches, and use of details on the wall cabinetry are all prep winners for me.
Such a refined and classic space. Whoever said a neutral color palette is boring? Those people are idiots. The seersucker bed and settee are definitely the center of this serene preppy bedroom. It is a classic fabric and it is nothing short of lovely.
Ahhh an equestrian chic, preppy space. Such rustic and vintage elements seen here. Again, another semi neutral color palette with splashes of bold color. See all of the horsey accessorizing here? Someone was horsing around. This is nook takes me to an amazing home in the Hamptons. Quintessential prep.
The queen of prep has arrived. None other than, Kate Spade. Girl has nailed prep like none other, but has added a little stylized twist. What makes this space so preppy are the beyond regal touches as well as the simple and classic patterns used. Hello striped walls. Adore.
Another fabulously eclectic space with a subtlety of prep. The bedding alone sets this room into the category of prep. Vintage touches paired with classic hues. Major win.
Fabulous. Fabulous. How I would have loved to be nursed back to health in this room. Although the sunlight may have made me melt as I was doubling as a vampire last week. Adore the striped seating in this space. Simple yet elegant. Those suspended photographs are so unusual and I absolutely love them. They add a vintage flair that the room definitely needs. How about this for your sunroom? Jelly.
Hello preppy bathroom. Classic. Refined. Classic. Classic. Did I say classic? The linens in this space are beyond fabulous. They are have such a crisp and luxurious appearance. Again, simple elements = big impact. Simple math.
A lovely and adorable preppish room fit for a kid. How perfect is this space? Simple patterns and color scheme, mixed all together to become the perfect space. Loving that little touch of flair the zebra pillow brings. This conservative designer was delicately venturing into the wild side. So delicately.
{jack rogers}
Well loves. Back to the grind. Errrrr. How was your weekend? I hope you all are avoiding the bubonic plague. Truly. Loves! L+L
Glad to hear you are recovering! That is no fun at all! Love the classic feel of all these rooms, you did say classic, right:) Couldn't agree more!
ReplyDeleteYou've managed to post some of my favourite rooms here! Love the classic details and patterns, including one of my favourites; ticking!
ReplyDeleteLove all these rooms - classic that aren't overly traditional. I always love pops of orange too!