Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Favorite Room Feature: Name 5 Things

Today we have a very special guest! Emily from name 5 things is sharing her favorite space today which is her office! She has done some amazing DIY's and you will be amazed. This is such a great space and we can't wait to show you. Take it away Emily!

Hi everyone! I'm Emily from name 5 things. I'm thrilled to be sharing my favorite room (our office) with you! Even though my husband and I refer to it as the office, it is definitely a multi-purpose room. We not only use it for an office, but also as a guest room and home gym (and it's where our dogs hang our during the day while we're at work). It's still a work in progress, but it's currently one of my favorite rooms because it was previously our guest room, but we swapped the two recently and we like this set up a lot better.

This is the other half of the room. The room is pretty big -- 20' by 18'. Frankly, it's almost too big. We've really struggled to use the space in the best way. We are on the look out for some art, another rug, and either a comfy chair or a smaller couch for lounging.  (And don't worry -- the exercise bike is on wheels, so we can wheel it out in front of the TV when we use it. We don't torture ourselves by facing the corner while we work out!)
The last corner of the office is home to our mail center and the Ikea cabinet I jazzed up.

People who come over always comment about the desks facing each other.  We really like it -- we just peek around our monitors when we are deep in conversation!  And why is it that no matter how hard you try, the wires and cords on the desk always look so messy?! 

The chevron boards were a simple DIY project.     

I found the vintage dresser on Craigslist.  It isn't staying the yellow color forever, but oddly enough it doesn't seem too out of place.  I hope to paint it a muted teal color.  The framed Texas map is from the 1800's -- we found it at a vintage map store during one of our trips to California.  We are both from Texas and my husband loves old maps, so it's perfect! 

Thanks Lindsay and Lindsay for letting me share my favorite room!


  1. Gorgeous room! It really is huge! But youve made good use of the space :)

  2. What a beautiful room....and its sooooo spacious! I could happily cocoon myself in that room all day and make myself productive!

  3. Emily's office is one of my fave's! Love the curtains and the pin-boards.

  4. I just adore Miss Emily and her fabulous style...such a great office space and I think I found at least 3 new things that I love about it! (c:

  5. I love Emily's office. So polished & still fun.

  6. What a fantastic post really looking very beautiful room it's very specious i love your ideas such a very nice thanks for sharing.


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