Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Favorite Room Feature: A Year in Review

Can we say food hangover this morning? Who is as unlucky as I and has to show up for work the rest of this week? I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and Santa better have been good to you. If not, he is going to get it from me. Next year. Next year. 

Don't I love a montage? I cannot believe we are rounding the corner to the end of yet another year in Favorite Room Feature. It is truly unbelievable. In true form to tradition, I am playing back every one of my favorite rooms from 2012. Each and every blogger that participates in this feature, has talent out the you know what. These are just a few of my favorite throw backs. 
Holtwood Hipster
Was 2012 FRF not ridiculous? I mean seriously. These peeps fabulousness exhausts me this early in the morning. Truth. Love you. Mean it. XOXO


  1. You are a great designer Lindsay! Come here!!!!

  2. I think I missed a few of these rooms early on but Holy Moly! Those are some pretty inspiring spaces.

  3. Awww, you're so sweet! Have to go back and check out the other rooms I missed. Hope you had a nice Christmas!

  4. The Long and Short of It has my style written all over it! That gallery wall is ridic!

  5. I think I only missed a couple! So it will be fun to go back and explore those. Such talented ladies!!

  6. You hit the nail on the head with food hangover! I dont think I will need to eat the rest of this year. -Tonya

  7. Glad you had a merry, merry but sorry you had to head back to work. Thanks again for featuring my favorite room this year - it was such fun and such an honor to participate. I missed a few of these so will have to go back and explore! Best wishes for a Happy New Year!

  8. So much beautiful inspiration! Looking forward to a year of even more lovely spaces!

  9. Many beautiful homes and inspiration but Saudah Saleem's closet is definitely my favorite room!!!
    Happy New Year ♥

  10. There is some serious talent out there. Love the inspiration. Thanks and happy new year! Amal

  11. How cool is it that you included me with this fab group of women??!! Thank you so SO much again and many blessings to you in 2013. :)

  12. So many fab rooms! There is some serious talent in the blogosphere.

  13. This is one of my favorite series. Keep it coming in 2013. I am pretty excited to be included in the mix.

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