Wednesday, July 4, 2012

One Room Challenge: Week Two

Happy Birthday 'Merica! Do we all notice a little something around here? Baby got a facelift. A major facelift. What do we think? I am loving it and Stella also gave her paw print of approval. We are golden. 

So here we are, Week 2 of the One Room Challenge. I have to tell you, this week was a little more challenging for me. I have had my mind set for quite sometime about incorporating an etagere into the space, but didn't really know what I wanted it to look like. I love the gold metal and glass etageres, but was not interested in spending a small fortune on funding one. 
So. Exhibit A. This is what I found. A rattan etagere for $20 off Craigslist. Holler. So my initial plan was to paint it green. I was dead set on a kelly green and thought I was a complete genius for coming up with the scheme. 
The after of the kelly green facelift. Ok. I love it, but it is so not right for the room. There were also some spray paint indiscretions and casualties that I cannot discuss. Back to Lowe's I go. This time, in search of a magenta paint. 
Taaaa-daaaaa!! Magenta it is. 
On to the styled shots of the etagere in her new home. I wanted layers upon layers on each shelf. You will notice the gold hand statue in his final resting place. 

Lots of old books and important people that house these shelves. 
You all remember this deer head. Well Bucky also got a facelift. The best kind of facelift anyone could have. One that involves gold. You will notice a picture of Stella being held by her number 1 admirer, her aunt. Stella and that damn sweater. 
These silhouettes are actual silhouettes of my late uncle, and my mom from their younger years. Shout out to my Grandma for knowing I would want to decorate my house with these 50+ years later. I affixed them to the back of the shelving unit for added art and dimension. Also, cast iron bookends included here that were a steal from a very local antique mall. When I say antique mall, I mean antique MALL. Place is Mall of America of Antiques. I do not lie. 

Ok. I will give you one other sneak peek. Just one. Note the new chippendale bamboo chair, yes? But the real excitement here for me is my new David Hicks La Fiorentina from Spark Modern! Just arrived this week. I could not be more in love. Also, some gold detailing I added to the corners of the desk. But that is all you get peeps. You aren't getting to see the entire desk. So greedy. 
Well, another week behind us and four more to go. Here are the brave souls tackling this challenge along side of me. 
Beth - Chinoiserie Chic/Lauren - The Cottage Mix/Sherry - Design Indulgence/Lindsay - Everything LEB/Barbara - Hodge:Podge/Kim - Kim Macumber Interiors/Lisa - Lisa Mende Design/Tiffany - Living Savvy/Jessie - Mix & Chic/Linda - My Crafty Home Life /Alison - My Little Happy Place/Danylle - Nana Moon/Nicole - Nicole Scott Designs/Julia - Pawley's Island PoshJennifer - The Pink Pagoda/Bethany-Powell BrowerLindsay - The Pursuit of Style/Emily - Rue de Emily/Lisa - Trapped in North Jersey
 Happy 4th you love muffins!


  1. The magenta is really great! I think it's awesome that you have real antique silhouettes. So much more special!

    1. I know I love them so much. They are so special to me.

  2. Wow! I think someones been a busy bee! I have but one update for this week and of course its not posted yet. I blame the storms and the heat and the holiday. You rocked this week!

    1. I adore your pillows. Adore! Going to come and steal them tomorrow!

  3. You gave that wicker shelf a whole new look, well done it's gorgeous. Love the arrangement, thank you for your share. Hayley x

  4. the shelf styling looks great!! And um, hello, the blog looks AWESOME. I could swear i was just here last night and it looked totally different!


    1. Thank you!! I love it too! Kelly did a great job!

  5. Great styling on the shelf- happy 4th!

  6. Congrats on the new blog theme!

  7. Love your new "look" ... I am happy that Stella approves! Okay ... I must confess the magenta is fabulous and the right choice ... but I am so infatuated with kelly green right now I did a sigh when you changed it!!

    1. Stella's approval is everything around here. I love the kelly green. It is amazing honestly. Best color of spray paint ever. Just didn't work in here unfortunately. So saddening!

  8. I am very impressed that you painted that TWICE...not an easy job the first time around...I hate painting anything wicker-like...too much ground to cover! Great job! I have to say I am with Kim...I liked the kelly green too but totally get that it wasn't right in the space!

  9. great job! love the Hicks pillow, too. Hope you have a great 4th.

  10. You must have been working with Kelly when I was working with her, lol. The blog looks fantastic. I love the styling and color of the etagere unit. Have your fingers recovered from the spray paint?

    1. Your blog looks fantastic! My hands are still trembling from that one!

  11. Love the final color choice!! Looks amazing, girl!

  12. #1 - i am DYING over your new blog layout! its PERFECT and SO unique (when so many arent nowadays)

    #2 - I died when you said there were casualties you couldnt discuss

    #3 - GREAT job on the etagere! I love the final color!

    1. 1. Thank you!! 2. If you message me I will fill you in. 3. Me too!!!

  13. I am jealous of the chippendale chair! I so want one! And your bookcase is amazing {now I know why your arm ached from spray painting!} but have you seen this Ikea hack? -

    And I love that pillow :)

    Happy 4th

    1. You need to get one of these chairs!! I love. I have seen that hack and contemplated it but do not have time to drive to the Ikea in DC :(

  14. p.s. your blog design is amazballs!

  15. Nice accessorizing lady!! Spray painting is brutal on the finger and the arm, I know it! But your results appear to be worth it. Looks great!

    1. You are too sweet. Thanks! It so is and my arm is still recuperating. Can we say carpal tunnel on the hands, much?

  16. Really like what you've done - great job - Beth of Chinoiserie Chic

    1. Thanks doll! I am loving the progress you have made!

  17. You have some serious styling skills. I need you to come to Dallas and do my bookshelves for me. I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it and clearly you're perfect for the job! LOVE what you've done. Can't wait to see what you do next! Happy 4th!

    1. I would love to come to Dallas and spend time with you! We would have those bookshelves styled in no time and over wine!

  18. Love the makeover! I totally want one of those now...

    1. Get one girl! Cannot even imagine what your creative self could do to something like this!

  19. Whoa! This looks fantastic. Happy 4th of July! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow my preppy blog. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!

  20. Loving it all!! Do you mind sharing what color/brand of spray paint you used for the magenta magic? :) btw. What type of insurance do you sell? I am a group insurance sales rep. Just curious!! I too love having design as a creative outlet from work :). Thanks in advance!! K

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am so sorry Kristy! I had the color wrong. It is actually Rustoleum Aubergine. Hope that helps. Thanks!!!

  21. I DIG it (and the blog facelift) Gold Glitter = Good

    1. Who doesn't need a little glitter in their lives?? :)

  22. Your room is really taking shape! Makes me think I am running way behind in this challenge. :) I love the magenta paint and the way you have styled this piece.

    1. No! I just have to plan ahead or I would be insanely behind!

  23. What a deal! It looks great! And I'm loving the addition of the gold to the deer mount!


    1. Gotta add some glitter to those animals. You know?!?! Hope the move went well! :)

  24. Hi! I'm wondering how comfy the chair is at the desk. I need to update my desk chair and saw the Ballard Designs version of the bamboo chair. I work at home and alternate between hanging at the kitchen bar and at my desk. Is the chair good for several hours at a time, or do you think I need to go more traditional office-chair style?

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