Ladies, do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT miss out on this fab iPhone case from Pretty Smitten. Here is how you can enter...
Go to the original post, here...Follow S+S {if you already do, thanks! If not, just click the little follow button over near the top right column} Visit Pretty Smitten and come back here to comment and let us know what your favorite piece of Elizabeth's is!!
For additional entries you can:
- Like Pretty Smitten on Facebook
- Follow Pretty Smitten on her fabulous blog
- Like Sadie + Stella on Facebook
- Follow Sadie + Stella on Twitter
- Tell your Facebook friends about the giveaway and link to this post
- Blog about the giveaway and link back to this post
- You can also tweet about the giveaway, mentioning @sadieandstella and link to this post in your tweet!
*Be sure to leave a comment each time you do one of the above!
This giveaway ends tomorrow, Thursday, September 15th at midnight.