Friday, May 13, 2011

Before the Paparazzi at Hyphen Interiors

Sorry for the repeat! As you all know...Blogger is having serious issues. We will repost from yesterday as the posts have plummeted into the black abyss.

We are honored to be participating in Hyphen Interiors' 'Before the Paparazzi' series today! Be sure to check us out, here!
And don't miss all of the other talented bloggers involved in the series!
May 5 – Andrea at Oakridge Revival
May 19 – Elsa at Casa Greer
May 26 – Denise at Pink Postcard
June 2 – Danielle at Danielle Oakey Interiors
June 8 - Cassie at Hi Sugarplum


  1. LOVED reading your post! Thanks so much!! My only question is, which Lindsay is which? :)


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