Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Musings: Monogrammed Bedding

Yellow my fine ladies. How was your weekend? Mine was full of working, shopping and play. Here in KC, we had the plaza art fair taking place this weekend which consists of lots of drinking and me pretending that I know what is up regarding fine art. Disclaimer: I don't. I like what I like. So something of interest for me on this fine Monday morning? I thought you would never ask. Monogram bedding, duh. How is there anything more lovely than crisp fine linens that are branded with your very own monogram? There is nothing. I can assure you. Just check out these major monograms happening, in bed. 

If you follow me on Insta, you surely saw the image below that has monogram written all over it. Yeahhhhhh. This is the completed bedding of a client of mine. See, you can even make it a throw pillow, y'all. 
And speaking of monograms, my gal pal over at La Plates is hosting a giveaway right now for a monogrammed pillow here, Velvet pillows may or may not be involved. Eeeeek. 


  1. I love monogrammed pillows for sure!! So elegant and add so much to the bed!

  2. It boarders on being a bit cutesy but it is definitely fun! Love the picture above the bed in the first one.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

  3. Every bedroom in my house has a monogram, luckily we only have two bedrooms. I have a problem with it.

  4. Obsessed with it. I'm dying for new bedding but it is not in the cards right now...

  5. Love all of it!!! Dying over the bedding for your client!

  6. Monogrammed bedding is EVERYTHING!!! Love your client's bed design!

  7. Yes! Monogrammed anything, bedding and coffee mugs are two of my favorites right now.
    My monogram just changed, (Newlywed!!) so that may have something to do with my current obsession. :)

  8. Love everything here, so many pinnable images!

  9. that first one is perfect- SO simple!

  10. I love the monograms. That one with the single letter for each person is a fantastic idea.

  11. Love a good monogram...just can't get enough!!

  12. Lindsay, so that is what is missing from my bed, and I love monograms! You have inspired me!!

    Tom Scheerer Decorates: Book Giveaway!

  13. How cute is that hot pink headboard?! I never knew I wanted one so badly.

  14. Is the velvet pillow fabric in the lastpicture that you previewed on insta also Danika Herrick?

    Hands Down my favorite bed set ever! Bravo!

    1. It's not Heather. It is from this shop:

  15. Where can I get these bedding sets?

  16. I love the first image....such a modern take. The others are too traditional for me personally.

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  22. Monogrammed Bedding explores the personal touch that monogrammed bedding brings to bedroom decor. It highlights how adding initials or custom designs can elevate the aesthetic, making it feel more luxurious and personalized. The post may discuss fabric choices, color options, and styling tips for integrating monogrammed pieces into your home. Monogrammed bedding offers both functionality and style, making it a popular choice for gifts or home updates.
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