Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Musings: David Jiminez

I know, I know. Where in the hell have I been? I have been jet setting, people. I promise I will be yours always and forever. Well at least for the time being...

Listen. Plenty of significant things and people hail from Kansas City. Of course you already know one, ahem, me, but other notable mentions include: barbecue, jazz music, Paul Rudd, lots of fountains and none other than THE David Jiminez. David is a the VP of visual merchandising and store design for Hallmark (also based out of KC). In his spare time, he designs the most incredibly timeless spaces where I could easily find myself coming home to. One of his spaces in KC was featured in Architectural Digest that I just so happened to come across. Let me tell you, if this space doesn't make you want to make your way to the middle of the country, I am not sure what will. Well me, but that was a given...


  1. Love his work!!

  2. Ah Love everything about this. The bathroom is especially good.

  3. It's fab. He was my client at work for a hot minute but is apparently relocating to SF very soon.

  4. in love!!!! His work is amazing. All good things come from Kansas!!

  5. used to be VP of merchandising. williams sonoma just stole him :(

  6. Yup, that is some hellah good mid west swag. Love it all.

  7. I love that bathroom!!!

  8. What beautiful spaces! Love the Dorothy Draper dresser & the chocolate brown walls in that living room. Gorgeous!

  9. wow! He designs cards and spaces? That's legit. Loveee this space.

  10. just saw this in spaces. gorge.


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