Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Funday?

I know. Monday Funday? Blasphemy. Although I gained an hour this weekend, I am still muy tired. I know. So greedy. So I leave you with this, this Monday morning. This amazingly eclectic and over the top bathroom. Most would say all of these materials did not stand a chance together. I say absolutely. Whatchu think? Someone has a case of the Mondays...


  1. perfect bold elements to liven this little space! I applaud the bold! You can rock this Monday! xo

  2. Wow that is going for it in a bathroom. I could never imagine presenting this to a client and having them sign off but I love the way it turned out.

  3. Makes me twitchy...overload for my eyes...elements not for me...

  4. This is incredible. I actually really love it. The wallpaper is something else!

  5. I love everything except the tapered window. I can't deal with that!

  6. So over the top gorgeous - love the wallpaper and velvet shade! Probably something that would only happen in a showhouse or designer's own home - I think I'd have a hard time getting a client to sign off on it!

  7. way cool out of the box glorious.
    xo Nancy

  8. love the banana leaf wallpaper and it is perfect in a bath like that. thumbs up!

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  10. Monday blues may linger, but this bathroom's vibrant mix is a mood lifter. Eclectic elegance, who knew? The clash of materials dances harmoniously, proving skeptics wrong. A visual feast, a remedy for the Monday daze!
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