Friday, February 1, 2013

Poppin' Poppers

I know you all, and I know you are scrambling for recipes to use for your Superbowl parties. A few things about me. 1. I couldn't care less about football if I tried. In fact, I do not even know who is playing in the Superbowl and refuse to find out who the participants are until Sunday. Even then, I will only recall the colors of their "outfits." I know. I am un-American. 2. The only reason I ever partake in Superbowl festivities is because it is the only day that it is socially acceptable to eat chips and dip and beer for dinner. All facts here, folks. So as I was saying, you are going to need some recipes and you are going to need this recipe right here. These stuffed jalapenos end up at almost every gathering I host or attend and let me tell you, they are gone in 5 seconds flat. Make 'em, then you will understand. 
Poppin' Poppers

1 lb bulk hot pork sausage
1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
22 large jalapeno peppers, halved lengthwise and seeded

In a large skillet, cook the sausage over medium heat until no longer pink; drain.
In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese and Parmesan cheese; fold in sausage.
Spoon about 1 tablespoonful into each jalapeno half.
Place in two ungreased 13-in x 9-in baking dishes. Bake at 425° for 15-20 minutes or until filling is lightly browned and bubbly.

Is your mouth watering? Wash it down with beer. Trust me. You will be  thinking of me on Superbowl Sunday while stuffing your face with these and watching your boys in their outfits. Love you. Mean it. XOXO


  1. Yum! I am with you on the only good reason to participate in the super bowl is the munchies.

  2. Oh, Yummy ... yes, it is my "no feeling guilty" day for munching! xo

  3. Agreed I hate football. Only good thing about the Superbowl is it marks the end of football til fall!! Umm sausage in jalapeƱo poppers?? Why did I never think of this genius combination??? I will be making these for sure! Cheers to eating and drinking our way thru the Superbowl:)

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I don't even know how the fame is played! ANd here in Dallas football is so BIG and we have some big stars and I don't even know their names or what they look like! Everyone thinks I'm crazy. Those poppers look yummers though!!

  5. My friend Paula makes these all of the time! Yum!!

  6. You crack me up. These look delicious and would make a perfect Super Bowl appetizer!

  7. I love a popover!! Pass the Bloody Mary's, and I'm good.

  8. I don't know who is playing either. Don't care either. I hate pro-fuseball. Those poppers look incredible!!! I may have to add them to my menu tonight since I'm having a little soiree! Thanks for the recipe!

  9. Girl- it's my freaking birthday on Sunday and I like you, I can care less about football. I might just have to hide in the kitchen and eat those jalapeno poppers...

  10. I've made them a few times, we do ours on the grill, and you're right, GONE in a nano-second! Those chips and onion dip, can't wait!

  11. my guy would go crazy over these! (switch sausage for bacon and he's go bananas)

  12. I'm a fan of tailgating, not football1! Those look delish...who knows what I'll end up making. Happy Weekend!

  13. The only reason I know who is playing this year is because it's my home town team (not that I cheer for them at all) so it's all over the news. I like it for the same reason you do, I can eat fatty food and not feel guilty!
    My husband would LOVE this recipe so I'm totally stealing it.

  14. These look like a must!


  15. These look really good. Poppers are one of my husbands favorites, so i may need to try this variation.

  16. I completely agree with you about the Super Bowl. It's totally an excuse to indulge in a few different appetizers. These poppers look so good, I'll have to try them for my next party.

    Stay in the Lines

  17. Just had some at a super bowl party. Pretty amazing. Watch out for some lingering seeds though. Can make them unexpectedly and painfully HOT! :)

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  19. Amazing, Your blogs are really good and informative. So as I was saying, you are going to need some recipes and you are going to need this recipe right here. These stuffed jalapenos end up at almost every gathering I host or attend and let me tell you, they are gone in 5 seconds flat. Make 'em, then you will understand truck accidents lawyers. I got a lots of useful information in your blogs. It is very great and useful to all. Keeps sharing more useful blogs...

  20. "POPPIN' POPPERS" is an exciting and mouth-watering guide for snack enthusiasts and culinary adventurers alike. The book is filled with innovative and delicious recipes for a variety of poppers, from classic jalapeƱo to creative twists featuring unexpected ingredients. Each recipe is accompanied by clear instructions and vibrant photos, making it easy for cooks of all levels to whip up these irresistible bites. Whether you're hosting a party, looking for a fun appetizer, or just craving something flavorful, "POPPIN' POPPERS" offers a delightful array of options that are sure to please any crowd.
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